Rotopol is a publishing house for graphic storytelling. A look at our previous publications can help to decide whether the submission of a book project makes sense. We also ask you to consider the following points:

• Please only send in projects if the material fits our publishing profile.
• We are only interested in submissions of book projects. It doesn’t matter whether a project has already
   been completed, is in progress or is available as an idea sketch.
• Submissions are generally only possible by e-mail to
• Please send each project with a brief summary and overview of your project, five to ten sample pages and
   contact details. The file attachment should not be significantly larger than 5 MB. Links to your own
   website are welcome.
• As a publisher, we do not arrange any contacts between authors and illustrators and therefore do not
   accept submissions of illustration portfolios or pure text manuscripts.
• Due to the volume of work, it may take a few months for us to view the submitted work. Please refrain
   from asking questions about the status of your submission.
• We will contact you if we are interested.