The sequel of KIINbetween #1 was created for the Ultimate Disaster Show at Rotopol and ties in with the turbulent events that has been happening around the “Super Villain Familie’s” estate.
Previously on The Super Villain Family:
“Xenovisionary” and her husband “Shell Girl” live together with their hyperactive son “Jape Jester” in the middle of nowhere. “Girlemperor” is also living there. The family hates the house but “Girlemperor” wants to fight for it. “Shell Girl” uses his super shell-power against “Girlemperor”. She’s a nordic girl and loves shells, so she wants to eat “Shell Girl”. “Xenovisionary” attacks her to save her husband – but there comes “Broil Prophet” to protect her beloved “Girlemperor”. She’s attacking “Xenovisionary”. “Shell Girl” wants to help but “Broil Prophet” just laughes at him and shows him her power. “Shell Girl” dies. “Girlemperor” wants to die as well, but “Broil Prohpet” is looking after her. “Xenovisionary” turns into “Flambéed Xenovisionary” and swears horrible revenge. Since that moment, “Girlemperor” wasn’t seen again.
KIIN.between #2 – The Ultimate Disaster
ISBN 978-3-940304-80-3
28 pages, b/w, 14.8 x 21 cm
limited edition (100), numbered
+ Shipping
Kirsten Carina Geißer128 pages, three color riso print, 5,5 x 9,5 cm, Limited edition
9,00 €
Ines & Kirsten Geißer12 pages, four-colored riso print, 10,5 x 14,5 cm
6,50 €
Nina Kaun, Rita Fürstenau, Ines Christine Geißer, Carmen José & Kirsten Carina Geißer32 pages, printed with three spot colors, 21 x 14,8 cm, thread binding
10,00 €
Ines & Kirsten GeißerFive color riso print, 29,7 x 42cm folded to 14,8 x 21 cm (A5).
9,00 €
BACKPACK Grumpy Blueberry
Ines & Kirsten GeißerCotton backpack, needs to be washed (30 ° C), and ironed inside out, 30 x 40 cm.
25,00 €
Kiin. #14
Ines & Kirsten Geißer32 pages, three-color riso print, 14,8x 21 cm Limited edition (100), numbered, including a set of 30 stickers
9,00 €
Happy Butterbur
Kirsten Carina GeißerOne color riso print, 21 x 29,7 cm, limited edition (70), signed and numbered
9,00 €
Ines Christine GeißerTwo color riso print, 21 x 29,7 cm, limited edition (50), signed and numbered
9,00 €
Kiin. #13
Ines & Kirsten Geißer36 pages, two color risoprint, 14.8 x 21 cm, limited edition, including a set of 13 temporary tattoos
9,00 €
KIINbetween #1
Ines & Kirsten Geißer20 pages, b/w, 14.8 x 21 cm, limited edition (100), numbered
4,50 €
Kiin. #7
Ines & Kirsten Geißer28 pages, color, 14.8 x 21 cm, limited edition (100), numbered
5,50 €