Kiin. #7

They were looking for it. All of them. Pizarro and Orellana, Klaus Kinski and Harrison Ford, Neil Young and Iron Maiden. They were looking for ELDORADO! I was so ill, I was so wild, but all I want is something else, I want a wife, I want a child. Kiin. has been there and they show us […]

Kiin. #5

Video games rose from their shadowy existence as nerdy time-wasters and don’t only knock on the doors of the fancy flats of well educated hipsters. By now they became an inherent part in your mom’s boardgame shelf like Scrabble and Chinese Checkers. Oh dear hedgehog, let me live. My dear sister I will give. Are you […]

Kiin. Loves You!

Ines Christine Geißer and Kirsten Carina Geißer are presenting original drawings from one year of KIIN. We also show the new KIIN. shirt and tote collection for grown ups and little ones. We also carefully freed some records from the 80ies synthpopband Blancmange from dust that will provide the proper atmosphere. We will have plenty of drinks […]

Kirsten Carina Geisser

born in the beautiful Franconian forest in 1986. Since 2006 she has been studying painting and graphic arts at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design in Halle (Saale). She is drawing and writing stories – often in co-operation with her sister Ines Christine. Together they are KIIN. Instagram: & Webseite:     […]

Ines Christine Geisser

Ines Christine was born in the beautiful Franconian forest in 1982. Since 2006 she has been studying illustraion, comic and animation at the School of Art and Design Kassel. Together with her sister Kirsten Carina she is Kiin. Instagram: &      


Flipbook by kiin.


Why are the dolphins always happy and why are there no snow pics? A deeply sad rabbit reflects on her social media consumption.


Happy Tulip Pin

Life is so good! I’m happy to share this beautiful day with you my friends.